Another goal...
I want to be STRONG and never FEAR against bad people. IM TIRED OF WATCHING PEOPLE GET BULLY WHILE OTHERS JUST WATCH WITHOUT HELPING!!! I wanna help but scared. Now a days...I always scared of pain because of the pain I hold on my heart. I want able to kick straight to the head. One swing, One Blow, One Life. Thats want I want against bad people. IM TIRED OF BAD PEOPLE WONDER AROUND DISTURBING OUR PEACE BUT NO ONE TAKE ACTIONS. STUPID!!! WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING??? WE ALL MALAYSIAN!!! TAKE ACTION LAR!!! STAY TOGETHER FIGHT AGAINST THEM. INI 1 ORANG KACAU 10-30 ORANG NDAK BERANI TOLONG. BODOH!!!
Now...I train my body & my fists back. Well...I did it also because I wan to breakdance. =p hehehehe hiya body not enough fit how to breakdance ooo...Capoire lagi. I want my body to be able to backflip again like last time. Aaaahhhh that kind of feeling sooo sooo good. Now kumpul money buy punching bag. Must become STRONG for emergency. Must be able to protect myself. Selalu kena bully...selalu kena kacau. I always run. Lolz...of course lar I run. Since last time NO ONE...I said it again. NO EVEN ONE BAD GUYS EVER CATCH UP MY SPEED!!! HAHAHA!!! TULAH MAKAN DADAH LAR!!! Lari ndak laju. Cepat penat...kalo kejar mimang gerenti K.O sudah. Sana lagi sya ambil kesempatan pijak kepala ko. HAHAHA!!! AYAM MATI....GO DIE LAR ALL RUBBISH.
What I most disappointed is that own race also in drugs...buat kacau sini sana. HAMKACAN LARR!!! If I really dont care my life I oledi KILL u while u not even watching. Diao...Lucky for you I still can control my anger. That's why I want to become STRONG. STRONG to overcome my ANGER!!! If not...I oledi end up in jail. NEVER EVER UNDERESTIMATE ME BAD GUYS...Once you are my TARGET. Dont think you can escape. Isk...that's also why I MUST PLAY GAME!!! No GAME...I CANT CALM DOWN!!! ONLY GAME CAN CALM ME DOWN. So stop asking me to stop playing games. Games only can calm me down. Or...MONEY FOR SHOPPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD hehehhe many money sure I shop until I got everything I need. XD so many style in my mind I wanna try. Ngam time ndak ngam. Kasi orang jak for christmas presents...XD or collect them all and open 2nd hand shop to sell them all.
Okay...what else again. Hmmm...oh...i think thats all lar. I write this post because today I saw got people being bully at my work place. Im not sure they pilak or malay or wat. All I know they steal that kid Hp & money. I wanna help but...I oledi inside my car. Takkan stop engine in the middle of jam & go out help. Sure kena Hon gao sad and disappointed. Okay lar...until here lar.
Hard Disk 2.5" HITACHI 750GB
11 years ago
great to know that u hav missions! :)
Ini mission gila...XD hehehe ndak bah...just wan to be strong so tat I can protect tired n sick of being bully or watch other ppl get bully. Orang kena bodek...tolong lar...this is the kind of community i wan...bukan org kena kacau..."lari lari...jgn masuk campur"...hiyooo...apa ndak urang jahat berkeliaran di luar sana. kereta sya pun kana garik...mana sya puas hati...sya lagi kana marah n kana tanya...
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