Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Today...My boss said to me...learn as fast and as much as I can from the Head Chef because this Head Chef attitude very different. Can go and run away anytime...Wah...nothing weird loh. Me also can leave anytime but see how my situations lar. XD hahaha If I feel not enough then I leave and change higher salary loh. But what really weird is that...the Head might scared if I use my REAL skills. =_=" the boss ask me to just listen to him so that he won't leave without train me some of his skills. Well...nobody perfect...of course I will learn everything. It is call KNOWLEDGE~~ XD hehehe...anyway...I did tell the boss don't worry because I will carefully learn everything. But weird too...since I work in boss or head chef treat me like this. They treat me very very very good. Isk...NOT BIASA LAR. XD hahahaha Last time always get scold...Always gaduh different situation. Its like I wanna leave it but feel sorry about it. But I'm sure leave de lar...Which GUY don't want salary RM3k~RM10k oooh~~ if that guy don't want such salary then give me lar. XD hehehe...WHAT? Where can I find RM3k~RM10k salary? hiyooo...Malaysia is not the only country you can work lar...Malaysia now already getting worst because of GREED of POWER. Lolz...GREED so much until country people all suffering. If can't go other country...start small business lar. THINK!!! My brain so slow also can think about own future lar. Last time I got control and step down gao gao...Now? hohoho... "Even A Loyal Dog Will BITE Their Owner" Ever Heard? It means BETRAYAL. You step on me so much someday you get what you deserve...Well something like that lar. I heard the chinese people said it but they thought I can't understand cantonese. XD hehehe...sometimes PRETENDING also good...

Ooookay lar...nothing to say already. ^^ Just wanna share since I got no one to tell with...ehem ehem...I mean Girlfriend to talk with...XD hehehehehe...SPECIAL Girlfriend oooo...Not normal one...ehem ehem...XD wakakakkaka

Just Kidding lar...hahahaha
Anywa Thanks For Reading...^^