Friday, June 26, 2009

Drivers Nowaday

Wow~~ Im not suprised...

People nowaday...drivers nowaday...

Is it really fun speeding? Use car but dont know use signals? People already so closed and suddenly cut in line? Is that really fun and make you all top drivers? Pro drivers? Aaaaww~~ Here good you are...YOU STILL WILL ACCIDENT!!! HAHAHAHA...SERVED YOU RIGHT.

FUN isn't it? Are you happy after accident? Well Im happy becoz GOD punish you!!! SERVED YOU RIGHT!!! NEXT TIME BECAREFUL!!! OBEY THE RULES OF ROAD SAFETY!!! Your money wont be "safe" when you get into accident.

Always wanna drag innocent people into feel your own "punishment". Im sure it taste HAHAHA!!!

Some or MOST drivers nowaday...always ignore the road safety. Once and there...this is your fault...that is your fault...I dun have money to pay this and that. COME ON LAR!!! You got money to modify your car but no money to pay broken car. LoLz...just throw your damn car. Dont drive at all!!! Go learn back your license and do all those road safety exam. OBEY THEM THAN NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!!!

P/s : All I can say is..."Haaa Haaa HAaaaaa...." Thats all for those "lucky" drivers who got their own "medicine". I say lucky becoz you live...If you're dead...than you're not lucky at all.