Hmmm...This is a totally worst day. I was going out with my friends and we all going to watch Hancock. You know why I say it is worst day? know how our country. So much uninvited people such PTI. Lolz...I wonder when will our country manage to clear out all this problems. Since when already they say they gonna wipe all PTI but at the end...More PTI coming. Haha...When we all LOCALS are disturbed by these people. Where are all the policemen? Where are all the security? All gone? Scared? so sad...such COWARDS with a tag of policemen and security. You, policemen and security have weapon on your hands but what's the use if you TOO scared to use it against those PTI that disturb our peaceful living. But when we LOCALS do something bad even just a SMALL SMALL mistake. Oh...My...GOD! You all really fast reaction but when we LOCALS in trouble...WHERE ARE YOU!!! Damn...all those PTI lucky enough not to touch us if not there would be a MAJOR & HUGE fighting in growball. WE DANCE!!! WE DON'T DISTURB ANY LOCALS BUT WHY ARE THOSE F*CKING PTI COME & DISTURB US...YOU ALL SO CALL "SECURITY" RUN AWAY? SCARED? WHAT THAT WEAPON ON YOUR WAIST FOR? BAI LIANG AR? YOUR HEAD LAR BAI LIANG...if those PTI not scared about you "SECURITY". WHY SHOULD WE SCARED? TAI SAI AR!!! You show off your power in front of LOCALS but why SCARED to protect our LOCALS who in TROUBLE? God Damn It...Next time we DANCE and those PTI disturb us...DON'T BLAME US IF WE MAKE THE 1ST MOVE!!! If you jealous because you can't dance? Then JOIN US...We can teach you. Don't use your POWER as security to throw us out. We DIDN'T harm anyone at all.
Okay...Sorry about above. Haha...I can't control my temper actually. T.T...need to join anger management. XD HaHaHa...No way I want to join anger management. I still can control well enough with my temper. =P bluueekkk~~~ wakakakakaka...okokok The main reason why I say this day is worst day is because we got disturb by those PTI or pilaksss while we were dancing. They even PURPOSELY push us...well we did push them back. You know if you dance Hardstyle Shuffle...You can do anything even kick people. know...=_= Hardstyle use a lot energy and movements. Even your hands move as well. You can even push your enemy away though. Its Funny...HaHaHa...but seriously this is a totally warning to all PTI and pilaksss unless they dance well and not pushing us away. You can dance but don't push us hard. Try hardstyle in front of me when I dance on Pump It Up and try to push me away. You gonna regret it...Hardstyle doesn't mean you only dance hardstyle shuffle. You can modify it into COMBAT DANCE as well. Remember that PTI and pilaksss...Remember how the brazillian throw those french people away by using COPEIRA.
Erm...izzit french people or german who conquer brazil before and make fighting is strictly forbidden. Then brazil create COPEIRA means that a dance that can be use in COMBAT. They DANCE but their STRONG legs are hitting your body and face. HahaHa...I like this dance. If you are caught just say "They in my way while I'm dancing...they can avoid my movement easily but they STUPID enough to come closer" HaHaHa...
Okay loh...Finish loh...Im seriously hungry while writing this down. HaHaHa Well if any of you readers feel that I'm offend you...>.< I'm so so so so SORRY~~
Hard Disk 2.5" HITACHI 750GB
11 years ago
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