Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Girlfriend...=p hehehe

Its been long time I dint update my blog...well coz I rili dunno what to write. O.O so I guess I talk about my girlfriend then. We been...err...5 months I guess. Still new? I dont think so. We been through so much pain together oledi. We keep facing a lot of problems together. I really wanted to show my girlfriend to my family but...well...kind embarrassing coz we all never talk about this kind of conversation except to my sister if she knows that I have girlfriend. I do hope this time my mom like my girlfriend. Come on lar...Im oledi 24 years old. There's no other girls out there are better. Its not easy to find REALLY good one. Mostly doesnt give me respect & their attitudes are SUCKS!!! Find cute one = BAD attitude, Find pretty one = EYES of money, Find Okay Okay one = Want tall guy...OOOII U ALL THINK U SO HIGH CLASS MEH!!! Nvm...I just be patient. Now that I've found the girl I been dream of...well according to my DEJAVU...She is the one in my dream. I admit we all have special ability but we never realize which one. Hahahaha...anyway those pictures above are MY BELOVED GIRLFRIEND. A lot a lot a lot of pain we have been through together. Well...sometimes almost break up but I think everything are test given from God whether we truly should be together or not. I guess many tests we have pass. The tests getting harder and harder everyday. But I always believe there are a lot lessons from all the tests since my girlfriend and I dont have so much experiences in relationship. Sometimes I so confused about the tests given but both of us manage to settle it. One thing for sure now is I wanted to show my girlfriend to my family...(mau kasi kenal off sikit GF sa bukan jak cantik but also cute...XD) Last time failed...I hope this time will be success. Well...IM HOPING SO MUCH!!! >.< Its not easy to find life partner that really understand me. Mostly all care for themselves only. SELFISHNESS...jadi fish la kamurang. XD wahahahahah jk jk....anyway Im out of idea to write about her...hahahaha...I will give an update about us. =p

P/S : Oh I forgot one thing important. She is DUSUN girl from Kampung Matupang, Ranau. 23 years old this year. 1 year younger than me. =p someday I gonna show her to my family. I HOPE my mom like her. >.< She......well......=.=" ndak berapa pandai masak but still acceptable lar. Hiya cooking can learn bah...actually Im tired of tapuk2 punya relationship...I keep headache about it. Too much oledi...

Okay lar...tat's all for now. XD soon will be updated....


bOdidOn said...

sy tau..

Unknown said...

bagus la ko tau....bila ko balik kk? kita buat cheese cake mo belajar buat pastu jual kasi org...

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