Sunday, May 24, 2009

Random Post and Ghost "EXPERIENCE"

Huraaahhhh....XD its been a while...I havent updated my blog.

Well...actually....I was...busy....watching...History Strongest Disciple Kenichi anime!!! Its soooooo damn funny....wahahahahahahaha but this anime really teachs me a lot...about martial arts are used to protect yourself when in danger and not for hurting everybody else. I used to use it against bad people before...when Im able to control Qi...I become hunger for more until I almost kill someone. Well actually that someone is so call "pembodek"...also he doesnt deserved to get hurt so bad. When I think back about it...=.=" well...I laugh. Now my physical body not that good anymore. My health also keep getting bad...I need to do my special training again so I can go back to my old HEALTHY self again. sick~~~~~ for one whole week~~~~~ so suffering. Most hated of all when I go labuan and sleep alone in the living room in my sis's house. =_= I get disturb by some...phenomenom...well...actually I should call it "Friend". LoLz...Its not funny =.=" Mentang2 Im sick...easy to disturb lar??? Damn it~~~~ I was continuely having heavy fever and cold for 3 days...Its so suffering...Well it is nice experiences too when I sleep alone in the living room. Totally annoy by the so call "Friend"...wanna know what happen? XD hehehehehe...okay I tell my experience...

Here goes...

After my nephew go to his parents room to sleep. That was...10pm. I was watching tv and fell sleepy after eating my medicine. My medicine is surely strong effect that can make me sleep whole day without waking up. BUT!!! At exact 12am...That's where the actions begin~~~~ 1st I turn off TV and light...everything dark...totally dark except outside lar. There this sounds~~~ squeek squeek...krriiikk 1st I tot it was a rat or something but its weird why the sounds getting near to where i sleep. Well...I dun care about that. Im trying to sleep...the sounds getting closer and closer...and finally it stop. Then I hear one sound that really making my whole body numb. =_= well i duno how to describe that sound it words but it really creep me out. I dint wake up because I was trying to act totally sleeping like in dream already but the sounds TOTALLY annoy me until my legs shake a bit. Im trying to act nothing happen but...It blow wind into my ears...if it was real people. OKAY LAGI...but this...after being blow wind into your ears then wake up and see no one beside u...what do u feel? Im almost wanna scream but Im having sore throat. Im trying to fight it. But...The more I fight it...the worst it become. =.=" Then at 1am I turn on the light and TV...trying to watch and fall asleep. I did fall completely asleep but I suddenly awake like something fall on me. Im not able to breath for a while like 5 second then ok back. Oooohhh I hate it so much...Then I keep awake until 2am...I go to toilet before I sleep. I close every door...XD it gets worst...I hear a lot of sounds like falling things...pringggg pranggg...kling klang...this and that...aaarrgghhh so hard to sleep. That was the 2nd time I turn off the light. It happen for 10 second then I feel relief and go to sleep. Then there it goes again...the sounds squeek squeek (like wearing house slipper and walk sliding2...) kriiikkk kriikkkk (imagine ur put ur nails on the wall n scratch it)...that 2 sounds annoy me alot...I try ignore it again. It wouldnt effect me twice...but...IM SICK!!! I nid some sleep~~~~ It did effect me 2nd times...aaarrrgghhh it keep blowing my ears...when I cover my whole body. Noisy sounds like...throwing things...falling things happen. Then I turn on the light and TV it until 3.30am...I turn off the TV and sleep on the light on...many noisy sounds keep disturbing me until Im out of control...I was very angry and say..."mentang2 sya sakit...senang betul ko kacau sya tido la". Then everything sounds at all. Finally...Im able to sleep peacefully~~~ I tell my family about this. They all tot I cant even hear it...well...a lot things happen so...I can but still cant see clearly. Just blurry...hahaha...XD well it is nice experiences...I do hope everyone who read post would share their "bad experiences"...XD lai lai dun be shy...lets share...SHARE LAR!!!!! still sick...=.=" still sore throat. urghh...I hate it. Cant eat something I wanted to eat. >.< oh well...wahahahhhahaha...thanks for reading. XD



d@rryL Chua said...

Watched that anime for 3 days straight and finished all of the 50 plus episodes if i'm not wrong or less....but it's really nice though! You should read the manga too, still on going. Well, get well soon! drink ginger tea, it helped though. Jgn kena infected by the swine virus!!!! Take care:)

Unknown said...

WAHHH....u watch it too? XD funny right? it makes me wanna go back to martial arts again...T.T i miss those days~~ Thank God Im not infected by the virus~~~