I read this manga yesterday and today...and I learn a lot about this comic. About love, the value of life, appreciation, sadness, happiness, n etc. Many I learn from reading it. What's suprised me is my own tears dropping down on my cheek. Hahaha...I cant believe this manga could effect me. But Im not sure what other people think about this manga. The story quite interesting you know. It teaches us a lot...^^ Well whatever you think is...I hope its not in negative way. Hahaha
Well...lets see. This story is about a girl who got raped by her step father when she was in middle junior school or middle school. She got pregnant for one time and get an abortion. Then after her recovery from abortion...her step father keep doing on the same thing on her and she got pregnant again. This time she give birth a baby boy and got adoption by other parents. She's been suffering about her past and it makes her fear to all men. (Uuuuiii...not all men same lohh...=.=") Okay continue...XD hehehe...Every men that touches and try to get near her, she will scream and get scared until not able to move. But only one guy she dint scared because the guy admit that he totally not interested to the this girl until he find out her secret in abandon church which he accidently become Father in that church. The girl come to the church to make confession. She feels guilty about the child she gave birth because she not able to take care of the child. Well...she think she's not a good mother to the child. I stop the story here...If you wanna know more about it. Try go onemanga.com and find the manga...it is called "Bitter Virgin"
What's interest me about this story is that...we must appreciate everything that come ahead of us soon. We must face everything without fear. Dont make our pasts eat us up. Dont make our pasts control us. If not we stuck in the past time and wont be able to move on. Also...I would really wanna know how to solve this kind of things if I face it someday. It must be tough to face it in real life...I ask myself sometimes. What will I do if I face this kind of girl? How do I solve it? I have a feeling that some people might say "dont waste your time and energy in this kind of things"..."dun let it bother u so much"...some even might scold "you stupid or what?" so many conclusion comes up without even think how to solve it. I do believe most people might avoid this kind of things. Running away from complicated things but for me...its a way of life. Its a lesson where we must face it...We all duno what will happen in our future but we can manage it. It gives me headache sometimes if I really face this but...come to think of it in positive way. Its a question of HOW & WHAT. How will you face it? Either positive or negative? What will you do? Damn...im so excited about this. XD hehehehe...its a challenge. Although I really do hate being challenge but if it can teaches me a lot about value of life. Why not right? Its what I want and need. Knowing so much is not a crime either. Hehehe...
If anyone read this manga before...please share your opinions and your point of view. In negative and positive way...I dun mind. Just share...Hehehe if I think in negative way...Hmmm...=.=" I also have no idea because...all I think is HOW and WHAT. hehehehe...XD But one thing is I really wanna face and know much more about this kind of girls...I wanna know how their really feel...How they face it? It must be super extreme tough to face it I think. Well...we men doesnt know much about girls. We never understand what you all thinking anyway. Hahaha...we just able to understand our own. I really 100% dun believe if I heard a guy say he know everything about girls. Thats because I never meet a couple that 100% dun have stress within them. Macam mana pun...tetap sakit kepala. Hahahaha....XD
Recently I read newspaper so many rape cases...I always wondering how do they face it? Will they still able to continue their normal life? Will they be still accepted as who they are before the incident? So many questions unanswered...well I do understand because its not good to stay close other people business right? Most will say "None Of Your Business"..."Stay Away"..."Who do you think you are?" and etc. I have to accept that in positive way...must stay wise and understand their feelings. Always ask yourself why did they act like that? It must be hard for them...
Totally interesting story...^^" hehehe sorry I just like to know more about the value of life. I just wanted to understand everything I could. No offense...^^ Thanks for reading this post. I hope you all read the comic...
P/S: Who says comic dint teach anything? Lolz...
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